The part two stress test involves eating something fatty (they recommended a big

I had a couple of stents placed in my circumflex about six years ago and one year later the artery blocked again. They can't re-stent what's been stented before so now I take a hand full of pills every morning. I can't say I don't have the occasional angina pain but I feel lucky that the circumflex is a relatively small artery.
A good joke to tell a cardiologist:
A man and woman were getting to know each other at a bar and soon turned flirtatious. The man suggested they go to his place and they leave. Things got hot and heavy and the woman says,
"Hold on, I think I should tell you something. I have acute angina."
The man replies,
"That's great, your boobs look pretty good too."
Well, at least my cardiologist thought it was funny.
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