January 6, 2010

Baby It's Cold Outside

For the last couple of weeks the temperature hasn't risen above freezing and this weekend it's suppose to get down to three or so at night. Today I was off work and moved a rick of firewood from our driveway, where the guy drop it off, to a place in our backyard, out of the weather. My face felt like it would fall off.

After we settled in for the night we watched a show on PBS about Steinway & Sons and their factory in Queens, New York, while sitting in front of the fire. A very good and cozy evening.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like it. I miss a fireplace. Happy New Year, by the way. We were in VA, near Charlottesville, over the New Year, for a week... got back and am trying to catch up.

    So I see you got a new job. I have to scan back to see if you posted about it, which I imagine you did. Congrats. I bet it's a relief.
